Side Effects of Hearing Loss


Another side effect of hearing loss which is often overlooked, is the effect it can have on our emotional and social well-being. Hearing loss can cause us to distance ourselves from family and friends because we just can’t hear the conversation, or often miss the details. If you miss the small everyday noises that bring […]

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Hearing Loss


Recognize the onset of hearing loss by asking yourself the following questions: – Do you avoid crowded places because you have difficulty understanding conversations? – Do you have ringing or other noises in your ears? – Do you have difficulty understanding women or young children? – Do others complain that you watch TV with the […]

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Understanding Hearing Loss


Hearing loss is a very gradual process, so you may not notice it at first. It is estimated that 1/3 of Americans will have some degree of hearing loss by the time they are 65. After age 75, that percentage jumps to half. Getting help early is imperative in order to retain as much hearing […]

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Women and Dry Eyes


Did you know that over 60% of menopausal women are affected by Dry Eye Syndrome (DES) and don’t even realize it? Yes, they know that their eyes burn and are dry, red and irritated. And they know that sometimes their eyes even water excessively in an effort to soothe that irritation. But they don’t know […]

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Why Computers Different than Paper


Q: Why is it harder for the eyes to maintain focus on a computer screen than paper images? A: Your eyes and brain reacting differently to electronic characters on a computer screen or a handheld device than they do to characters on a printed page. Healthy eyes can easily maintain focus on most printed materials, […]

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Gunnar Technology


Q: Why do computer users need Gunnar digital eyewear? Over 25 million people are using some type of digital device all day every day. This never ending stream of digital information can lower visual performance and cause Digital Eye Fatigue (DEF). Symptoms of DEF include blurred vision, eye strain, dry eyes, double vision, light sensitivity […]

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Cataracts and Driving


A study at the University of Alabama, School of Medicine compared the accident rate of drivers with cataracts who declined to have cataract surgery against the accident rate of patients who had their cataracts removed. Researchers concluded patients who chose to have cataract surgery had 50% fewer accidents than those who did not have their […]

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What is LASIK? LASIK or Laser In-Situ Keratomileusis is an outpatient procedure that uses a computer-controlled “cool” laser beam to precisely reshape the cornea. The beam gently changes the curvature of the cornea so that images can more sharply focus on the back of the eye; thereby giving you clearer vision. The actual procedure takes […]

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Vitamins and Macular Degeneration


In 2001, Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) researchers reported that a nutritional supplement called the AREDS formulation could reduce the risk of developing advanced age-related macular degeneration (AMD). In 2006, the same research group, which is based at National Institute of Health’s National Eye Institute, began a second study called AREDS2 to determine if they […]

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