Blog Category, Dr. Brian Foster, Dr. Richard Hector, Dr. Scott Han, Dry Eye Disease, Dry Eye Syndrome, dry eyes, eye drops, eye infections, eyelids, Eyes, Poor vision, tired eyes

Dry Eye Disease is among the most common eye conditions in the United States.
Did you know that over 60% of menopausal women are affected by Dry Eyes Disease (DED) and don’t even realize it? Yes, they know that their eyes burn and are dry, red and irritated. And they know that sometimes their eyes even water excessively. This is your eyes way of trying to soothe they eye irritation. But they don’t know that women are two to three times more likely to be affected by DED than men.
In healthy eyes, a thin layer of tears coats the outside surface of the eye, therefore, keeping it moist. It also washes away bits of debris that might fall into the eyes. Dry Eye Disease occurs when the eye doesn’t make enough tears, or it makes tears that evaporate too quickly. This leaves the eyes dry and vulnerable. Dry Eye Disease may sound like more of a nuisance than a serious problem, but if left untreated, DED can inhibit your everyday lifestyle, and in severe cases, can even result in permanent loss of sight.
If you think you might have DED, call 1-866-865-2020 for dry eye treatment in Bradenton. We can help you find relief!