Amsler Grid, diabetic retinopathy, Dry Eye Disease, floaters, Glaucoma, Macular Degeneration, macular hole, Retina, retina tear, retinal detachment, vision loss

8 Warning Signs of Serious Eye Problems
It is important to catch serious eye problems early in order to preserve vision. Your sight is one of your most precious senses. Maintaining healthy eyes should be a priority. How do you know if an eye problem is the start of something serious? We hope this guide helps you identify problems that can’t wait.
If you experience any of the following symptoms of a serious eye problem, call your eye doctor immediately.
1) A sudden decrease in vision in one eye.
This could indicate a problem with the retina; perhaps a macular hole. The chance of this happening increases as we age, and women are at higher risk than men.
2) A flood of spots, floaters or debris in the eye or a dark curtain across your field of vision.
Most floaters are benign, but if you experience a sudden onset, it could indicate a retina problem, such as a tear or retina detachment. If it is a retinal detachment, it needs to be treated immediately. If left untreated, vision loss can be permanent.
3) A gradual loss of central vision and distortions when looking at straight lines.
Macular Degeneration is the leading cause of blindness among older Americans, with central vision loss as a common symptom. Dry Macular Degeneration can turn into Wet Macular Degeneration overnight. That is why every senior should test their eyes daily with an Amsler Grid. It is important to do the test one eye at a time. Click the following link to print out your FREE Amsler Grid.
4) Loss of peripheral vision.
This symptom is hard to notice and could mean that you are developing glaucoma. The loss happens so slowly that many times it is not noticed until damage is done.
5) A sudden onset of eye pain, nausea, vomiting, and redness.
These symptoms could indicate an attack of narrow-angle glaucoma that can permanently damage your optic nerve and vision.
6) Double vision or ‘ghost like’ images.
Double vision can be related to many eye problems, and even other health conditions such as strokes. We recommend that you take immediate action and see a doctor.
7) Scratchy, irritated, watery eyes.
Frequently these symptoms indicate Dry Eye Disease. There is no cure for it but there are many treatments. If left untreated, loss of vision and serious eye problems could occur in extreme cases.
8) If you are diabetic and have blind spots, accompanied by floaters and blurred vision.
This could definitely indicate the onset of diabetic retinopathy. Daily use of an Amsler Grid is recommended for this as well.
Another common condition that is not an emergency or serious eye problem: Cataracts
‘Halos’ around lights and cloudy, blurry vision.
Cataracts could be the cause here. Luckily cataract surgery is quite commonplace these days and can quickly return good vision.
Saving sight is our most important mission at The Eye Associates! Should you or someone you know experience one of the symptoms serious eye problems above and vision loss, call immediately 1-866-865-2020. After business hours, our answering service will contact the doctor-on-call for emergencies.