Blog Category, kids, The Eye Associates

1) Even if You Don’t Wear Eyeglasses, You Still Need an Eye Exam.
Some sight-threatening eye diseases do not have early warning signs, and many can only be detected during a dilated eye exam. Some cataracts affect vision in such a gradual way that you do not notice the decreased vision. Half of all people with glaucoma are unaware that they even have the disease. Also, diabetics with diabetic retinopathy often do not experience symptoms when the disease is at its most treatable stage. Remember, the key to keeping good vision for a lifetime starts with early detection during an eye exam and early treatment.
2) Eye Exams Detect Other Health Problems Too
Most people don’t know that many general health problems are often first detected during a routine comprehensive eye exam. The reason is that the eye is the only place where blood vessels can be viewed in their natural state without a surgical procedure. Changes in the blood vessels of the eye or fluctuations in vision sometimes lead to the first diagnosis of common diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, arthrosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and high cholesterol. Graves’ disease is often first noticed as protruding eyes and double vision. Neurologic diseases such as MS may be first suspected when an eye doctor finds changes in the eye and the optic nerve. Even cancer and brain tumors, although rare, are sometimes detected during an eye exam. Our board certified physicians are always looking out for your overall health and well-being; not just your vision.
3) Good Vision Increases Safety
Poor vision can have an adverse effect on many life issues, such as depression, increased car accidents, and drug-related errors, but none of these are more concerning to life than a fall. Falls are among the leading cause of death of people age 65+, and people with low vision are at even greater risk. Reduced contrast sensitivity, decreased depth perception, and a reduction in the field of vision can inhibit balance and one’s ability to detect environmental hazards. Increased safety is one of the most compelling reasons to have an annual eye exam.
4) Vision Affects a Child’s Success in Life
Did you know that 80% of all learning is through the visual system, and decreased vision can significantly affect educational success, athletic ability and even social interaction? Countless children are receiving poor grades simply because they cannot see the blackboard; causing them to lose a desire to learn, and even stunting their social skills. While most parents recognize the value of routine dental care, they often underestimate the importance of testing a child’s vision.
5) Changing Eyecare Technology
We are living in a time when sight-saving technology is changing at an astonishing rate. Conditions once considered untreatable are now able to be corrected with cutting-edge technology. Just a few years ago, someone with wet macular degeneration would have lost most, if not all of their vision, but now we can help them with sight-saving medications. A cataract surgery patient who has worn glasses their entire life now has a choice of a high tech lens implant so they never have to wear glasses again. These are just a couple of examples of what we are able to offer patients today. So even if you’ve been told in the past that your condition was untreatable, technology may have changed all that. Only with a comprehensive eye exam can you know for sure.
You Only Have 2 Eyes! Sight does more than let you see what is in front of you. It allows you to safely live your life to the fullest with the ones you love. Schedule your yearly eye exam today!
Call 1-866-865-2020 for an appointment today!